Our Prayer Group meets every Sunday following Worship.
Phone - 412-462-9030 office@hpumc.com
Our Prayer Group meets every Sunday following Worship.
We are glad that you are connecting to us through our website! I have been the pastor of Homestead Park UMC since the summer of 2018, and I am pleased to be serving the Steel Valley community! We have a wonderful, friendly congregation! I have been in pastoral ministries for almost 30 years serving retirement communities as well as youth ministries. Born and raised in Pittsburgh, after the Lord’s calling, in which he lead me to churches in Clarion, Somerset, and Uniontown, I have returned to the Pittsburgh area with my wife Julie and my Lab-mix, Geno, and my cat, Ike Taylor. As you can tell, I love Pittsburgh sports! I would love to see you in person around the community or join us for worship on Sunday morning at 10 am.
In Christ’s Great Love,
Pastor Don Kephart